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New Mexico





As a young girl, I learned that many children and families have to flee from abuse, often times, having to put all that they own into trash bags. Using these trash bags can send a terrible message that these victims, and their belongings are trash. I felt that I had to do something to help them, so I began working on a website to try to inform people of what was happening. I continued making social media accounts such as a Twitter Account, Facebook Page, and a Tumblr Blog. 


I went to everyone I could talk to and asked them to help spread the word that the victims of Child Abuse and Domestic Violence had to put their belongings in trash bags and that I was going to change that. Donations of luggage and money started coming in and soon enough I was called by the local news station and asked to be on a new segment called Hometown Heroes. 
Back in 2012, my goal was to collect and donate 1,000 bags, and I did it in just three short months. Almost 1 1/2 years later, I have collected much more than that, and I don’t plan to stop.  

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